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The Strength Of The Butterfly

Butterflies to me symbolize strength & beauty.

They go through a metamorphosis that includes 4 stages of life: Egg, Larva, Pupa, and Adult. To me that is similar to the cycle of human life: Embryo, Child, Teenager, and Adult.

I loved the idea of using a butterfly mold to create my Yummy Gummies.

You see, these gummies are not your routine candy that you get at the store, they are actually part of my bone strengthening program. These little powerhouses are made with Great Lakes Gelatin. This gelatin is one of the most amazing forms of pure protein & collagen.

You see as we age our body's collagen production naturally begins to slow down. This is why you may see wrinkles, sagging skin, weak cartilage in your joints (leading to pain), and bone wasting (think osteopenia like me, or worse, osteoporosis). Then if you top this off by diets high in sugar, smoking, and sun exposure you get even more collagen depletion!!

When we lose collagen, our joints pay the price. It effects our tendons & ligaments by not allowing them to move freely. We begin to feel stiff and even notice joint swelling. One of my major signs was my nails beginning to peel & crack!!

Adding collagen is a great step in your healthy lifestyle choices that can really help nourish your body & ease these issues.

Try my Yummy Gummies recipe. Even your kids will love them!


1 Cup Organic 100% fruit juice

2 Tblspn Grass Fed Gelatin (I use Great Lakes brand)

Silicone Candy Mold (or 8"x8" greased glass baking pan)


1. Pour juice into small saucepan. Heat until the juice is very warm - DO NOT BOIL

2. Remove pan from heat. Pour 1 Tblspn of gelatin into the hot juice & stir. Once incorporated, stir the other Tblspn of gelatin in & stir.

3. Pour the mixture into your silicone molds (or greased dish).

4. Refridgerate for at least 2 hours to allow the gummies to set up. (If you then freeze the silicone molds for 15 minutes they are easy to pop out).

5. Keep gummies in the refridgerator* in a covered dish. Pop a few each morning or whenever you want a little treat.

*store for about 5 days

I would love to see a picture of your molds!!

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